Ian Reifowitz has a nice take in July 31 HuffPo on Romney objecting to the Obama quote he takes out of context: "All President Obama is saying is that an American who builds a business nevertheless relies on the investments made by America as a society in things like schools, that educate most of us, including people who work in each and every business, and of course the roads and bridges necessary for virtually all business owners to be able to send and receive goods, and for their employees to be able to get to work, and customers to be able to get to their stores." Here's the whole thing: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ian-reifowitz/mitt-romney-each-business_b_1719054.html?utm_hp_ref=politics
The best example of what he's talking about was the New Deal's investment in public infrastructure during the Depression. The New Deal's jobs programs brought America into the 20th century. It needs to happen again, for stimulus that provides customers and the infrastructure that connects business with those customers. Read More
The best example of what he's talking about was the New Deal's investment in public infrastructure during the Depression. The New Deal's jobs programs brought America into the 20th century. It needs to happen again, for stimulus that provides customers and the infrastructure that connects business with those customers. Read More